About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Kenosha County Trail

Kenosha County Trail Photos
Lighthouse to Port of Kenosha

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Green and WHite Lighthouse, Kenosha

We continued our ride around the lighthouses heading north. The photo above is looking back at the green and white lighthouse and the path that goes out to the lake and around the harbor area.

Pike Bike Trail heading orth

We continued north along the path heading towards Carthage College. Although we started this ride on the Kenosha County Trail, this is actually called the Pike Bike Trail here and it is a very nice trail through some parks and along Lake Michigan.

Rugged road alongside Lake Michigan

We even headed out to the lake and to this rugged road right next to the lake to explore a little. It was pretty difficult to ride on and did not really go anywhere. Still, we were right by the lake on this hot and sunny day so it was worth checking out.

Carthage Collage and bike trail

The Pike Bike path continues north and ends up at Carthage College. We rode on some paths or sidewalks through the College and tried to find a way to continue north. We could not find a path or bike friendly road to continue north and ended up turning around and heading back south from here.

Pike Bike Trail heading south

This part of the trail is heading south just past Carthage College and runs alongside Lake Michigan and through some parks. This was a very nice part of the ride.

Note that you can head west on 35th Street, just south of here, to get to the northern part of the Kenosha County Bike Trail and continue all the way to Racine. We were not able to do that on this ride but I hope to ride that part of the trail in the near future.

Lighthouse park in Kenosha

Here we are back on the path that goes around the park and out to the lighthouses. We did this ride on the 4th of July and, although there is hardly anyone on this path in the photo above, this place was starting to fill up with the holiday crowds.

Bike path through building in Kenosha*

Just past the lighthouse area the path goes under this building. The biker in the distance is me about to come through the tunnel.

Port of Kenosha lighthouse*

This photo, taken by Dale Kiffel, shows the "Port of Kenosha" (written in colored stones, I think) along with a house and lighthouse right on the lake.

Kenosha County Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Kenosha County Trail from the Illinois/Wisconsin border, along Lake Michigan, on to the Pike Bike Trail, through Kenosha, and north to Carthage College. This ride was from July, 2010.

Kenosha County Trail Home

Kenosha Trail Photos 1 - Wis. Border to Lighthouses
Kenosha Trail Photos 2 - Lighthouses to Port of Kenosha < you are here
Kenosha Trail Photos 3 - Wolfenbuttel Park back to Illinois

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.