About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Kenosha County Trail

Kenosha County Trail Photos
Wisconsin Border to Lighthouses

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Kenosha County Trail Sign

The photo above is at the Illinois, Wisconsin border where the Robert McClory Trail, in Illinois, connects to the Kenosha County Trail in Wisconsin. We started our trip here and parked on a small subdivision road just off of Russell Road.

Kenosha Trail straight section

The southern part of the Kenosha County Trail is crushed stone and is pretty straight and flat as you can see in the photo above. It is a nice ride but not that exciting.

Keno Drive-In 2010

The southern part of the trail is really not very long. It only goes about 4 miles and then ends at 89th Street. We took the streets here past the Keno Drive-In (above) to head east out to Lake Michigan. This ride was from 2010 as you can see by the movies advertised above. :-)

There is a bike lane here, just before the tracks (where we waited for a train) as we wound our way down various streets to get out to the lake.

Lake Michigan in Kenosha

At last, we reach Lake Michigan! We made our way out the the lake here where I took the photo above.

Southport Park Sign

I took a photo of the sign above to help keep track of where we were on this ride (this was before I have my bike GPS computer to map my rides after I completed them). So as you can see we we at Southport Park. Which is a little north of the Kenosha Sand Dunes. There was some kind of water or sewage treatment plant here and it stunk here on the day we were there.

Pike Bike Trail in Kenosha

We continued our ride north on some not too busy roads which make up the Pike Bike Trail just west of Lake Michigan and through a couple of parks, past the Southport Marina and to the park with the Kenosha Museum and lighthouses.

The photo above is looking back (west) from the small peninsula where the lighthouses are.

Lighthouse in Kenosha Wisconsin

This photo is looking out at the red lighthouse on Lake Michigan in Kenosha.

Kenosha County Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Kenosha County Trail from the Illinois/Wisconsin border, along Lake Michigan, on to the Pike Bike Trail, through Kenosha, and north to Carthage College. This ride was from July, 2010.

Kenosha County Trail Home

Kenosha Trail Photos 1 - Wis. Border to Lighthouses < you are here
Kenosha Trail Photos 2 - Lighthouses back to Port of Kenosha
Kenosha Trail Photos 3 - Wolfenbuttel Park back to Illinois

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.