About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > North Shore Bike Path

North Shore Bike Path Photos
From Lambs Farm and Past Harley Dealer

(click on any of the bike trail photos to enlarge)

Passing Lambs Farm on the North Shore Trail

Here's the North Shore Path as we we passed by Lambs Farm on the right. This is not to far from where you pass under I94 (shown in the last photo on the previous photo page). Lambs Farm has a store, bakery, thrift shop, serves meals and is home for a number of people with developmental disabilities.

I have passed by Lambs Farm for years so I know that it has been here for as long as I can remember but I never really knew exactly what it was until recently. Maybe I'll see if they can provide snacks or something for trail riders just passing by next time.

 Harley Dealer to left of bike trail

A little further down the road (trail) on the left is a huge Harley Davidson dealer (for those other kind of bikers :-)). Naturally, what do we see on the road right next to us as we approach the HD dealer... Motorcycle riders!

Harley Davidson sign and American Flag

OK, I zoomed in a little for a shot of the Harley Davidson sign and American flag. After all, this ride was on the 4th of July.

 Crushed stone section of North Shore Trail

The North Shore Bike Trail is a crushed stone trail in some places and a paved trail in other places. Above is obviously one of the crushed stone parts of the trail (with a bridge up ahead in the distance).

Wooded part of North Shore Trail

You do get away from route 176 in some areas and it gets much nicer as you get into some slightly wooded areas where you may not realize that you are still really not far from the highway. 

Although I don't remember our exact location at this point, my goal for this photo tour (as usual) is to provide the look and the feel of the trail from first hand experience and photos (this was also before I had my bike GPS computer and I didn't have as good of ride history).


Here's the Photo Tour starting at the Western End of the Trail near Carmel Catholic High School in Mundelein, Illinois to the Des Plaines River Trail - May 5th 2014.

North Shore Bike Path Photos - West Leg to DPRT

The North Shore Bike Path Photo Tour - From the Old School Trail (Libertyville) to the Green Bay Trail (Lake Bluff) - July 4th 2006 (mostly).

North Shore Bike Path Photos 1 - From the Old School Trail
North Shore Bike Path Photos 2 - From Lambs Farm < You are here
North Shore Bike Path Photos 3 -RideĀ Along Route 176
North Shore Bike Path Photos 4 - To the Robert McClory Trail


The Ride is the Destination