About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails >Root River, Racine Trails

Root River Pathway Photos
Lincoln Park to 12th Street in Racine

(click on any photo to enlarge) Root River Trail near Spring Street

This is the Root River Trail in Lincoln Park just north of Spring Street near Racine. This was the northern most part of our recent trip where we had to turn around since we had ridden about 15 miles and would be running out of daylight by the time we got back.

The trail continues north from here and there are a few photos below from another ride that my friend Dale took on that part of the trail.

Tunnel on Root River Trail

The trail goes next to the road at this point and goes under this tunnel with the crest above it. The crest shows a cow on top (hey this is wisconsin) with a sailing ship underneath it.

Trail next to the Root River

Shortly after the tunnel the trail goes downhill and runs along the Root River. We were heading south (back to Kenosha) at this point and the river would be on the left.

Bridge over the Root River*

The photo above shows the Root River and the bike trail bridge that crosses the river.

Close up view of Bridge *

The photos directly above and below are from the other ride on the Root River Trail that I mentioned above. Dale took these photos and although I don't have the exact location, I wanted to include these to give you a better feel for other parts of the trail.


Covered Bridge on Bike Trail*

I don't see a lot of covered bridges like the one in the photo above on the bike trails that I've been on. I believe that this one is a little north of where we turned around on our Root River, Racine and Kenosha trail ride.

Root River Pathway on 12th Street

This is the steep hill on 12th Street that connects the various bike trails. I guess that the name Root River Pathway is accurate since this route is a combination of bike trails and bike friendly roads that connect the various parts of the trail.

There are signs that get you through this part of town and to the next part of the trail but you have to watch out for them and there was no sign where the trail branches off to the left from this road as you head east (as shown in this photo) so you need to watch for that part.


Root River Pathway Racine County Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Root River and Racine Trails from the Root River Pathway in Racine, to the Racine County Trail, the Kenosha County trail, the Pike Bike trail on Lake Michigan and into the town of Kenosha Wisconsin. This ride was from August 2015.

Root River and Racine Bike Trails

RRR Photos 1 - Lincoln Park to 12th St, Racine < you are here
RRR Photos 2 - Racine County Trail to Kenosha Trail
RRR Photos 3 - Kenosha Trail to Lake Michigan
RR Photos 4 - Pike Trail, Lake Michigan and Kenosha

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.