About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Hennepin Canal Trail

Hennepin Canal Trail Photos
Rock River and Canal Feeder Ride

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Northern end of Hennepin Canal Trail

This is where the northern end of the Hennepin Canal Trail (the north/south feeder canal trail) starts on the north side of the Rock River at the dam and bridge in Rock Falls.

Bridge over the Rock River in ROck Falls

This is the bridge that goes over the dam on the Rock River at Rock Falls. We parked in the small parking lot on the south end of this bridge.

Machinery on Hennepin Canal *

Above is an HDR photo of the canal machinery, the canal and the trail at  the northern most end of the Hennepin Canal north/south trail.

puffy clouds and Hennepin Canal *

This HDR photo shows the canal, the trail and the puffy clouds against the blue sky.

Hennepin Trail 15 miles south of Rock Falls

Sorry for the location change here but the first few photos above were from the Rock Falls part of the HC trail and this photo is looking back from where we turned around for our ride back after riding south for about 15 miles.

The remaining photos are from our ride back north to Rock Falls.

Mostly dirt surface of HCT

As you can see, the HCT is pretty much a rugged dirt trail at this point.

Note: The canal is always on the east side of the trail so you can tell if the photo is facing north or south based on where the canal is.

Broken Stump along Hennepin Canal Trail

As I mentioned in the home page for this trail, the scenery is pretty much the same on this entire ride so the photo above at least provides a landmark for where you are with the broken stump on the side of the trail.

The HC Trail with dirt surface

A little further north on our way back on the HCT feeder canal ride the trail surface is still mostly dirt and very rugged.



Hennepin Canal Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Hennepin Canal Trail with plenty of first hand riding details. This ride was from late September, 2017.

Hennepin Canal Trail (HCT) Home

HCT Photos 1 - Rock River and Northern Canal Ride < you are here
HCT Photos 2 - Northern Canal back to Rock Falls


Hennepin Canal Trail Video on YouTube

Here's the video of the Hennepin Canal Trail that I posted on YouTube.

Hennepin Canal Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.