About-Bicycles > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Great River Trail Wisconsin

The Great River Trail Photos 5
Wet Lands, Streams and Black River Bridge

(click on any photo to enlarge)

Bridge and Wetlands

The bridge on the left in the photo above is close to the woods and wetland areas in the previous photos and crosses a small stream which you can see on the right (you can see this better in the full size blown up photo).


Trees in Stream near bike trail

Once again there are quite a few scenes like the trees submerged in water as in the photo above along this part of the trail. This was a particularly wide open area. Many of the other flooded areas were very wooded.


Stream winding through the woods

This photo, taken from the bridge, shows one of the streams as it winds through the woods and wetlands later in the day as the sun was starting to go down (Yikes! I have to get back!).


View of the Long Bridge over Black River

This is the long bridge over the Black River that I showed earlier in the photo tour and earlier in the day (on my way north to Trempealeau). I took this photo, looking south, along with the photo below (looking north) to try to give the perspective as to how long this bridge is.


View of Long Bridge looking the other direction

This is the photo from the same location as the photo above but looking the other direction (north). This side of the bridge is all wood whereas the other end of the bridge, over the deeper water, has the iron beams.


A Stream as seen from Long Bridge

Also from the same location on the bridge, I took the photo above showing one of the streams that you pass over before you get to the main body of water that the bridge crosses.


Main Rivers that the Long Bridge Crosses

Looking off the side of the bridge as you get to the iron beam part of the bridge, you can see the main rivers that you cross over. One of the rivers that flows under this bridge is the Black River.


Railway Bridge as seen from bike trail bridge

Off in the distance and on the other side of the bridge you can see where the railway and railway bridge runs parallel to the Great River Trail.


Here is the September 2006 photo tour of the Great River State Trail from Onalaska, Wisconsin to the Trempeleau National Wildlife Refuge.

Great-River-Trail - Home

Great River Trail Photos 1 - Onalaska to Black River
Great River Trail Photos 2 - To Trempeleau Wildlife Refuge

2006 Photos © Copyright Dale Kiffel

Below is the May 2014 photo tour of the Great River State Trail from the Trempeleau National Wildlife Refuge to Onalaska and then on to West Salem on the LaCrosse River Trail.

Great River Trail Photos 3 - New Salem, Lake Onalaska
Great River Trail Photos 4 - Tree Tunnels and Thru Trempeleau
Great River Trail Photos 5 - Wet Lands and Black River Bridge < you are here
Great River Trail Photos 6 - Midway and Lake Onalaska
Great River Trail Photos 7 - Onalaska and LaCrosse River Trail

2014 Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman