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The Evanston Lakefront Bike Paths Photos
Wilmette to Northwestern University

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A good starting point for the Evanston Lakefront Bikeways is Gillson Park, which is on Lake Michigan and actually in the southern part of Wilmette just north of Evanston.

One of the first landmarks that you ride by when you start here is the Baha'i temple. This is an amazing building and I took quite a few photos of it on my way back. I am including a number of the Baha'i temple photos towards the end of this photo tour.

Above - on the right is the sidewalk along Sheridan Road and on the left is the bike lane. This is a fairly "bike friendly" area.

When the bike lane on Sheridan Road ends you'll need to ride on the sidewalks (or the road with no bike lane if you prefer).

You will pass by Floyd Long Field, on Sheridan Road, as you come into Northwestern University.

This is one of the roads through Northwestern that you need to take to get out to the actual bike path on the Lake Michigan lakefront. This was actually on my way back. Earlier in the day this area was pretty congested.

This is the beginning of the lakefront bike path at Northwestern University.

You get a nice view of the Chicago Skyline when you first get on the lakefront bike path. This was a really windy day and Lake Michigan was really choppy. This may be the reason for the muddy colored water.

This is looking down the Evanston (or Northwestern University) lakefront path along Lake Michigan with the Chicago skyline in the distance once again.

There is often a lot of university activity here (of course). As I was heading south on the roads and bike path, the women's Lacrosse team was taking the field. I'm not sure if this was a practice or a game but, to me, it looked like a game was about to start.

Here's the photo tour of the Evanston Lakefront Bike Paths from the Wilmette, Illinois, through Northwestern University, Evanston and to Rogers Ave Beach in Chicago from June, 2012.

Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 1 - Wilmette to Northwestern . < you are here
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 2 - Northwestern to Evanston Beach
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 3 - Evanston to Rogers Ave Beach
Evanston Lakefront Paths Photos 4 - Bahai temple and Gillson Beach