About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Virgil Gilman Trail

Virgil Gilman Trail Photos
Large Steel Bridge to Waubonsee College

(click on any photo to enlarge)

Railings and shadows from steel bridge

I found this bridge interesting and took a batch of photos of different parts of the bridge. The view above show the shadows coming off of the railings as you come down off the bridge heading southwest.

View of Large Steel Bridge on Virgil Gilman Trail

This is a view of the bridge over Route 56 as you head northwest. This is a pretty long bridge that crosses 4 lanes of expressway below.

Steel cross beams on bridge

The steel beams cross back and forth above you and create an interesting pattern above as you look up as you are crossing the bridge.

HDR photo of woods and V Gilman trail*

This photo is a HDR (high dynamic range) view of the woods that the Virgil Gilman Trail passes through just before the northeastern end of the trail at Waubonsee Community College where we took a break for a late lunch.

The college had a cafeteria (which was closed when we were there) and vending machines and was a great place to take a break and have a snack.

Artistic photo of woods*

Looking off into the woods from the VG trail on our way back, I realized that I should probably have my glasses on! :-)

OK, seriously, Dale took the photo above using one of his secret, creative photo techniques (it involves moving the camera up and down while taking the photo).

Virgil Gilman Trail bridge over Galena Ave

This is a photo of the bridge over Galena Avenue that I mentioned earlier in the photo tour. This is a distinctive looking bridge that has a very different look from the large steel bridge over Route 56 and the Crooked Bridge in the woods. I must admit that this part of the trail has some interesting looking bridges.

Milk Weed Pod close-up*

We rode the Virgil Gilman Trail in the early fall as the milk weed pods were starting to open. Dale got some nice close-up photos of the sun light shining through the white guts of the milk weed pods.

Recumbent rider on Crooked Bridge

One more shot of the Crooked Bridge as we crossed over it on our way back to the Fox River Trail and back to Oswego, where we started this trip.

Recumbent Rider and Tall Trees on Virgil Gilman Trail

Dale and his recumbent riding off under the tall trees in the distance at the end of our ride on the Virgil Gilman Trail.

Virgil Gilman Trail Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Virgil Gilman Trail starting in Oswego, Illinois (on the Fox River Trail) connecting to the Virgil Gilman Trail in Aurora then riding the entire trail from Hill Avenue to Waubonsee Community College in Sugar Grove, Illinois. This ride was in October, 2013.

Virgil Gilman Trail Home

Virgil Gilman Trail Photos 1 - Fox River Corridor and SE
Virgil Gilman Trail Photos 2 - Palmer Park and Crooked Bridge
Virgil Gilman Trail Photos 3 - Steel Bridge to Waubonsee College < you are here

Here's the GPS Map of the Virgil Gilman Trail ride above.

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.