About Bicycles Online > Bicycle Touring and Trails > Thorn Creek Trail

Thorn Creek Trail Photos
Sauk Trail Woods to Old Plank Road Trail

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The Thorn Creek Trail in Sauk Trail Woods

This bridge is on the Thorn Creek Trail (TCT) in Sauk Trail Woods at the southwest end of the Thorn Creek Trail.

Curvy, wooded part of the TCT

The Thorn Creek Trail is very wooded, curvy and a little hilly in this section. The trail goes in a loop here around the Sauk Trail Lake.

A Rooster in the Sauk Trail Woods

OK, here is something that you don't see everyday ~ at least I don't and have never seen before. It's a rooster in the woods. We stopped for something here, and as I mentioned it is very wooded here, and I saw some movement in the woods. I just barely had time to grab my camera and I managed to get a photo of this guy before he ran off.

The Sauk Trail Woods loop on TCT

I believe that the photo above is as we were coming out of the Sauk Trail Woods loop oat the southwest end of the Thorn Creek Trail.

Tunnel on Thorn Creek Trail with graffiti

The photo above show one of the tunnels on the TCT. This is just south of where the trail connects to the Old Plank Road Trail. I don't like when I see graffiti along trail especially if it is gang graffiti. I was pretty comfortable on most of the trail though.

New Old Plank Road Trail connextion to the TCT

This is a fairly new section of the Old Plank Road Trail (OPRT) that now connects to the Thorn Creek Trail. They were just completing this part of the trail when we rode the OPRT in October of 2015.

If you want to take a long ride on all paved trails, I believe that you could ride over 65 miles ~ round trip ~ on these 2 trails.

Cubs fan on the Old Plank Road Trail

Yes, they even have Cubs fans this far south! OK, just kidding the recumbent rider with the Cubs hat is Dale who we imported from the north. :-) BTW: this ride was just before the Cubs won the World Series for the first time in over 100 years!

Tunnel on Thorn Creek Trail

Back on the Thorn Creek Trail again. Here's another one of the tunnels that the TCT goes through. No graffiti on this one.

Thorn Creek Trail Photo Tour

Here's the photo tour of the Thorn Creek Trail with plenty of first hand riding details. This ride was from October, 2016.

Thorn Creek Trail Home

Thorn Creek Trail Photos 1 - Northeast Part of the Trail
Thorn Creek Trail Photos 2 - Sauk Trail Woods to OPRT < you are here
Thorn Creek Trail Photos 3 - Back to Sweet Woods


Thorn Creek Trail Video on YouTube

Here's the video of the Thorn Creek Trail that I posted on YouTube.

Thorn Creek Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.